Reduce Your Risk of Falling at Home

Something to think about…  Standing at the edge of the grave on a beautiful June day, looking down at his father’s casket, Larry Smith was more angry than sad.  Dave Smith paid the ultimate price for his stubbornness.  His death left a void in the family. He was the last of his generation. He had a gift of…

We Can’t Say “No”

That Sunday, George and Alice were still distressed after the party. They met in 5thgrade when they were both kept after school to clean the blackboard.  Now in their mid 80s, yesterday they celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary in their back yard.  George dreaded the family gathering. On Saturday, everyone was there, the 3 children, Roberta,…

Maybe it’s Time to Quit Driving…

…or at least get an eye exam. Tim, age seventy-seven, felt small and embarrassed sitting in the wood-paneled, high-ceiling U.S. Bankruptcy Courtroom.  He was there because he did not see a STOP sign. Thankfully Tim and his wife, Irene, were not hurt.  The three people in the car he hit all had hospital stays from two…